📚 Boek Downloaden Gratis Eleanor & Park - Rowell, Rainbow 2013

Eleanor & Park
Boektitel : Eleanor & Park
ISBN10: ISBN-10: 1250053994
Totaal Pagina's :
Jaar : 2013
Categorie :

Bestsellers :

  • 👍 Boek Downloaden op kobo Harry Potter en de geheime kamer - J.K. Rowling 2011
  • It's 1986 and two star-crossed teens are smart enough to know that first love almost never lasts but brave and desperate enough to try. When Eleanor meets Park you'll remember your own first love--and just how hard it pulled you under.?? A cross between the iconic '80s movie Sixteen Candles and the classic coming-of-age novel Looking for Alaska Eleanor & Park is a brilliantly written young adult novel.


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